Published Works

Warren’s Politically Incorrect View of How Most People Believe the World Works
by Warren Metzler, in collaboration with Cynthia Planker

Prepare yourself to read an eye-opening, refreshing presentation on life and how the world works. Interesting and logical, this book sets the record straight in terms of how people can approach life: as a rationalist does (a status quo person) or as an empiricist does (one who wants life to be optimal).

Insights abound regarding the three basic realms of life: personal, work and social realms; each is clearly defined and described in terms of what is successful and what is futile. Get ready to question what you considered to be true!

In his book, Warren shares his knowledge and insights gleaned from his personal experience, tried and true, and offered to the reader with the best intentions of sharing what he has learned, so others may discover for themselves a path to growth and development, through living as an empiricist.

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Transformational Christianity,
by Warren Metzler

This book begins with Warren Metzler summarizing the basic principles of Christianity. He describes how every human being is a spirit, though we are not consciously aware of it. It is our spirit that communicates with God, and we either surrender to God’s will for our life, or succumb to the devil’s temptation and try to have our own way. In essence, a person is either oriented to his “spiritual nature” or his “human nature”.

Metzler presents that people who are attached to their human nature have goals of attaining money, power and fame. At the core of this is the desire to be in control of your own destiny; to “be your own god”. With these underlying goals, no matter how hard people may try to live a worthwhile life, and do things with seemingly “good intentions,” they repeatedly fail.

In contrast, real Christians recognize that God is in control of everything and is constantly providing opportunities to develop new skills in life; each situation is presented for that person’s benefit, so there is no need to worry. By accurately observing and taking advantage of those opportunities, a person, over time,
discards her “human nature” and takes on his “spiritual nature” using the Holy Spirit as his “24/7 guide”. Metzler contrasts this with those that believe that being a Christian involves a single act of confessing ones sins, making a verbal commitment such as stating you “accept Jesus as your personal savior”.

The author describes the quality in a true Christian’s life is a manifestation of how her spirit is maturing. As her spirit matures, she becomes more masterful in daily living. She begins developing more and more Christ-like behaviors while on earth, and ultimately she will be admitted to the kingdom of heaven. This is in contrast to believing bounty is only experienced in heaven, once earthly life is over.

Warren Metzler urges the reader not to miss this wonderful opportunity that God provides.

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Finding Contentment, A Journey to Self-Discovery
by Warren Metzler, MD

This book describes mankind’s desire for contentment, and is based on Warren’s personal experiences, including his practice as a well-being physician.

Metzler begins by defining contentment, and describes how it is the fundamental motivation of human beings. He goes on to show the various ways we try to achieve it, the basic make up of mankind, and how we
can develop through our exposure to the various aspects, or realms, in the world around us. This leads to a description of the progression of human consciousness and how to live life optimally.

He states that contentment is a gift from God, a signpost of how well we are doing in the specific path that God designed for us (via the opportunities being presented). Later chapters are about the stages of development every person faces, and that each stage provides the opportunity to learn and master a particular life skill. At the time of writing this book, Warren was only in his thirties and since it was based on his personal awareness, his description entails only what is possible to know by that age.

Further chapters explore God and describe how we all pursue a god; even atheists. He also describes the nature of health and illness, covering topics such as, “What is authentic health, what illness is, and how one can move from sickness to health?”
In the final chapter creativity is explored. Metzler states, “Creativity is the essence of the human experience…being able to discover a new awareness is what gives us our greatest pleasure”.

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